Volume 2

I'm just as surprised as you are that I'm back for Volume 2. Thanks for all the great feedback and continued support; keep it coming.  Welcome to my new friends!

Job (& Life) Crafting

A few days ago, I listened to "How to Make Work More Satisfying" on The Science of Happiness podcast.  Researcher Maria Tims talked about taking inventory of the tasks that fill your day and analyzing each task by how much energy it consumes and how much impact/fulfillment it creates (see my example). 

After completing the inventory worksheet, you can create an action plan to help you spend more of your time on fulfilling tasks and less time on the draining ones. Of course, there will always be tasks that drain you that you may not be able to pass-off, but I'm certain you have a handful that can be improved.

  • Imagine if you gave your manager a list of three tasks you currently work on that may not provide the team value - and you made recommendations on how to improve it, automate it, or just stop doing it. I would assume your manager would be willing to work with you on at least one of them!

  • As a business owner or leader, you might have a high performing employee who is being drained by a few tasks. What if you asked that employee to do this exercise as a conversation starter?  Imagine the value it would bring to both of you and the business.

  • Do you invest your time volunteering but aren't seeing the impact it's making?  Raise your hand and provide ways for the work to be more impactful - or reduce the amount of time you're investing on that volunteer task.  

So often, we're stuck on autopilot and stick to our routine tasks because it's what we've been taught to do. Try this exercise to see where you're spending your time and brainstorm how you can either (1) spend more time on high-impact work and/or (2) spend less time or eliminate low-impact work.  I even made a template for you to print out.

What is "Find Your More"?

So many of us are always searching for more - more free time, more autonomy, more impact, more recognition, more connection.  And often times, we're looking for more but we're not sure what more we actually want or need.  

Find Your More helps individuals and companies determine what their "more" is and helps create a roadmap to obtain and maintain it.  

Services provided:

  • Resume updates and career coaching

  • Strategic planning

  • Project management and execution

  • Team building with Belbin (and more)

What I'm reading and listening to:

If you recall what I unveiled earlier this month about not being a "completer/finisher," you won't be surprised to learn that I haven't finished either book I mentioned last time. 

 I've been listening to Kenny Chesney and Zac Brown in preparation for a concert this weekend - and of course the new Taylor Swift album.  

Thank you for being a friend. If you've found this content helpful, please consider sharing.  If it's not adding more to your life, feel free to unsubscribe.

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Volume 3


Musings and More: Volume 1