Musings and More: Volume 1

One small step…

I write all day for my clients but when it comes to sitting down to write for's impossible. I don't know what to write about and doubt people will find it interesting. I'm officially getting out of my own way and writing for me. Yuck. 

What's something you willingly do to benefit others but rarely do for yourself? Can you do it for yourself today?

How do you use data in your job?

One of the most sought-after skills I'm seeing in job postings is the ability to use data - to make decisions, get sales leads, identify efficiencies, and more. How do you use data in your career and do you have that experience reflected in your resume?

If not, let's update it.

Belbin Team Roles

I am not a "completer finisher." Even though I have 1,000 unfinished craft, garden, and business ideas, I never really realized this until I received my Belbin Team Role evaluation results.

Imagine being able to know a person's strengths and weaknesses when building out a team and assigning responsibilities. You would likely ensure you have a diverse mix of strengths and could plan ahead to coach on where you have weaknesses.  

I've done Myers Briggs, DiSC, Enneagram (and more) but the Belbin Team Roles has been the most impactful at highlighting where I typically excel and where I need extra support. 

Want to use Belbin for your team? Let's go! (and I promise I'll comple... ;))

What is "Find Your More"?

So many of us are always searching for more - more free time, more autonomy, more impact, more recognition, more connection.  And often times, we're looking for more but we're not sure what more we actually want or need.  

Find Your More helps individuals and companies determine what their "more" is and helps create a roadmap to obtain and maintain it.  

Services provided:

  • Resume updates and career coaching

  • Strategic planning

  • Project management and execution

  • Team building

What I'm reading and listening to:

  • Good Inside: A guide to becoming the parent you want to be. - Dr. Becky Kennedy. 

    • My take: SO MUCH good information but it's overwhelming. I'm currently in a book club where we discuss all the great tactics. I'm hoping to remember and incorporate 10% of the tips into my parenting.  

  • Find Your Unicorn SpaceReclaim your creative life in a too-busy world.  - Eve Rodsky

    • My take: Life-changing content. I'm thinking of starting a book club discussion; let me know if you'd be interested! I borrowed the book from the library but am buying it to keep. 

  • Handsome Podcast

    • My take: Hilarious but not appropriate; I always LOL when I listen to it.


Volume 2