Find Your More

Women’s Executive Leadership Group Coaching Program

Facilitated by Marisa Wheeling Ciesluk and MaryBeth Simon

April 8 - May 29, Midtown Charlotte

Do you often feel there has to be more to life?

As career women, many of us spend 1/3 of our time working. Let’s figure out together how to get the most out of that time, while improving our quality of life and feeling more confident.

Marisa and MaryBeth, both with unique professional backgrounds, have developed an 8-week in-person coaching program to support the needs they hear from mid-career, female clients and friends each day.

What’s your more?

Who is this program built for?

Mid-career women who are ready to lean into their values and get more out of their life and careers - without comprimise.

  • You are tired of living and leading on autopilot. You want more.

  • You know you are made for more.

  • You want more. More impact. More meaning. More purpose. More clarity. More depth. More trust. More connection. More joy. More confidence. More freedom.

Where & When:

Happy Hour Meet & Greet

  • Monday, April 8

  • Southpark/Midtown

Six (6) In-person Group Sessions (90 min)

  • Wednesdays, 11:45 - 1:15 pm

  • April 10, 17, 24 & May 8, 15, 22

  • Location: Midtown (1300 Baxter Street)

  • Lunch provided

Two (2) Virtual Check-in Group Sessions

  • Wednesdays, 12 - 1 pm

  • May 1 & 29

  • Location: Virtual

One (1) One-on-one Executive Coaching Session with Marisa (scheduled based on participant’s needs and availability)

One (1) One-on-one Career Coaching Session with MaryBeth (scheduled based on participant’s needs and availability)

The Investment:

$1,500 to FIND YOUR MORE!

  • Six (6) 90-minute in-person group sessions

  • Two (2) 60-minute virtual group check-ins

  • Two (2) 1:1 coaching sessions

  • Six lunches

*Consider asking your employer to invest in this program on your behalf as part of your professional development. Click here for tips and a draft letter.

Outcomes we’ll focus on developing:

  • Enhanced leadership skills aligned with your values.

    Show up and lead in a way that makes you proud. You will gain confidence to enable you to take risks and negotiate and we’ll provide tools that will allow you to set your priorities and achieve your goals.

  • Improved well-being.

    Burnout, overwhelm, & lack of motivation are all too common among mid-career women. Let’s talk through tools and tactics that can be used to gain greater job satisfaction and improve overall well-being.

  • Expanded social capital.

    Create new relationships and expand your network through authentic in-person connections with women who are in similar phases of their lives and career.

Enroll in the Find Your More Leadership Coaching Program.

Upon submission of this form, an invoice will be sent to you within 24 hours, including various options for payment.

Want to ask your employer to consider investing in this program on your behalf? Learn more here on how to do this.

Interested in our virtual program instead?


  • If one or more of these resonate with you, this program was built for you:

    • You're asking yourself: should I quit my job? What do I really want? Am I in the right job/org? What's next for me? Where do I belong?

    • You feel like you're stuck in firefighter or autopilot mode

    • You're not clear on how to articulate your value and contributions to make a career pivot or transition

    • You're saying to yourself "this isn't it. It's not what I want to do forever, but I don't know what IT is."

    • You're tired of compromising your well-being for your career

    • You know you have more to offer, but are not sure how to harness it

    • You’re ready to prioritize your personal and professional values in order to show up as a more impactful employee and leader

    • You are committed to your growth and development and ready to take action

    • You are seeking a community of brilliant women who get it

  • 1300 Baxter Street in Midtown. We’re using a conference room in the offices of Park National Bank; across the street from the Metropolitan in an office building next to Mama Ricottas

  • For this session, we are prioritizing in-person participation. If this program sounds like a perfect fit for you but you can’t attend in person, let us know. We may offer a virtual session in the future.

Interested but have more questions?

Send us a note or submit the contact form:

Marisa -

MaryBeth -