Discover and achieve

your more

Services for individuals and businesses

Your career can be more fulfilling if you have the right tools and plan

  • Defining your professional brand

    Your resume is the key to your next career move. Let’s update it and ensure your LinkedIn profile supports it too.

  • It's more than a job.

    We spend way too many hours of our life working. Let’s create a plan that ensures your career is in alignment to your personal values and priorities.

  • Many of us spend 1/3 of our time working. Let’s figure out together how to get the most out of that time, while improving our quality of life, feeling more confident, and expanding our social capital.

Your business is ready to grow; let’s collaborate to develop a roadmap

  • Your business is established and you’re ready to grow. Let’s get clear on your vision and build the roadmap for you to get there.

  • The roadmap is built, now let’s bring it to life. We provide the project management expertise to operationalize your plans.

  • Your leadership team is critical to bringing your vision to life. Through coaching and team building facilitation, we’ll develop one team.

  • From digital marketing to audience development (and everything in between), let's create a marketing plan that supports the strategic growth of your business.

Ever feel like there is more to life but you’re just not sure what it is?

Whether you’re personally or professionally seeking more or you want your company to make a greater impact, let’s find it!

Submit the form below to get started.

What’s your more?

Get In Touch

Let us know how we can help you and what you're looking to achieve. We're here to support you every step of the way.

Either complete the following form to connect via email or schedule a 15-minute consultation to connect via phone.


  • “I just wanted to send you a note of thanks…. I submitted for a job last week and the hiring manager called me within an hour and said my resume was perfect! It clearly demonstrated key points of my experience and history and was well done. Thanks SO much for your help and quick work.”

    Elizabeth M.

  • "MaryBeth is insanely talented, creative, organized, prompt, and professional. I started my own business 2 years ago and MaryBeth has been by my side every step of the way. MaryBeth’s ideas, recommendations, skills, and knowledge base have been invaluable from the early planning phase to present. I highly recommend MaryBeth and look forward to continuing to work with her as my business grows."

    Paige P.

  • “Just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your help with my resume and to share that I recently got a new job. I will be starting in a similar position with a new company that came with a significant raise! I’m not sure I would have had the courage to take that leap if not for your assistance. I have already recommended you to others who are also in need of help and will continue to do so.”

    Meg S.

Meet MaryBeth

I’m a creative, strategic leader and I ask a lot of questions to fully understand the "why." According to personality profile tests, I'm an "achiever" with high expectations for myself and for others (it's true!). Building relationships, creating connections, and empowering those around me fill my cup.

From a career standpoint, I’ve done it all (almost!). I’ve worked at a marketing agency, fortune 100 company, small business, non-profit, consulting firm, as an entrepreneur, and served on the board of a local non-profit during a time of drastic change. (I’m sure you’re thinking, “but you look so young!”;)). I’ve navigated complex organizations, projects, and personalities - and have learned something valuable from each experience.

I have an innate ability to create roadmaps for individuals and companies that pave the way to achieving their vision. This work lights me up - mainly because I see firsthand how excited the individuals are who participate in this work.

The impact of my work and accomplishments and the relationships I have developed, have built a brand for me that makes me incredibly proud.

Speaking of pride…I’m also the mom of two creative young kids, Lula and Beau, and the wife to Steve, a traveling bread salesman. When I’m not working, I’m helping Lula plan her 2056 presidential campaign and answering Beau’s 1,032 questions per day.

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